3 Things to keep in Mind while navigating your Career

April 2, 2022 read
3 Things to keep in Mind while navigating your Career
Career Development
Career Tips

There are two (2) phrases we all must have heard throughout our lives, “Love what you do” and “Do what you love”, in between these two (2) things lie the pavement to  navigating your career.

Career Change is not an easy task and many people who are looking for a career change know that it will take a lot of time and effort to make such an “immense” transition on their career path. That is pretty much the reason why most of us do not want to change our careers and want to continue with our current profession.

In the Episode 3 of Season 5, I met an amazing guy Eric Bedell, a holistic Personal Development coach, who himself has successfully done several career changes in his life, he talks about “Career Navigation”.

Here are the three (3) things that he mentioned during the show, which I believe will help a lot of people in their Career Transition and hopefully make their journey a lot easier.

  1. Volunteer for a side hustle:
    You should not leave your current job straight away. You first have to be sure that what you are choosing is the exact same thing you want to do in the future and most importantly, you will enjoy doing it. For that, you can get into an internship or even work for free so that you get to know more about the new role that you want to adapt to.
    For example, if you want to switch to designing, design for free and see if you are actually enjoying it.
  2. Understand it is a Work-Life Blend and not Work-Life Balance:
    During your Career transition, there will be moments where you are going to need to set your priorities straight. You cannot do everything and you cannot be everywhere. Prepare a list of things which you are willing to sacrifice in both your personal and professional life, so that you can dedicate time to nurture your new career. You will have to blend work and life to make sure you don't miss anything important.
  3. Be Realistic and Patient:
    You are not going to achieve everything in a short span of time. Be Realistic about the goals you set and work on them. Many of us set unrealistic goals and then if we don't achieve them, we tend to get demotivated and lose interest in the career which we want to build. It is fine to take time to reach a particular destination rather dropping the plan completely.

To conclude this article, choosing a Career change is a tough job, but if we carefully plan how we will execute the transition and bear these three (3) things in mind, then I believe it will become easier and a lot more satisfying when we see the fruits of our labor in our new job functions. I hope this article helps you out in the journey of your Career Transition.

If you want to listen to the Full episode, below is the link for the same:


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Created by

Aaditya Mehta

Hailing from the Computer & Technology Background, Aaditya has completed his Post Graduation in Masters of Computer Applications (MCA) from Mumbai University, India. Currently he is the Programmer by profession and a passionate trainer offering his expertise in Computer and IT Applications and also a Personality Development Lecturer. All his students have a record of scoring merit. Continuing his drive of learning & sharing his knowledge, he has started a podcast on Personality Development. Follow on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aadityamehta4193

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